Tuesday, April 8, 2008



The earth is a province in the kingdom of God, Satan holds the position of Messianic Angel (the provincial ruler) over the earth. He has held this position since his appointment by God in the beginning, prior to the fall; and he will continue holding this position until he is one day replaced by Man – the second Man, the last Adam, with His co-heirs, redeemed from the lineage of the first man, the first Adam (Ezek. 28:14-16; Heb. 2:5-10).

Satan’s fall wrought no change in his appointed position, for a principle of Biblical government necessitates that an incumbent ruler hold his appointed position until his successor not only appears but is ready to take over the scepter. There is no such thing as God removing a ruler from a province in His kingdom and not, at the same time, appointing another ruler.

Though Satan’s fall wrought no change in his appointed position, it did bring about a change in the kingdom over which he ruled. The material kingdom itself was destroyed. The earth “was [‘became’] without form, and void; and darkness was [‘became’] upon the face of the deep” (Gen. 1:2a). From that time until immediately prior to the creation of Adam, Satan, though he continued to occupy his appointed position, ruled over a ruined kingdom shrouded in darkness.

Then approximately 6000 years ago, God restored the earth, along with the light of the sun and moon, and brought man into existence with a view to man taking the scepter. This is the way Scripture begins – a creation, a ruin of that creation, a restoration of the ruined creation, and the creation of man to take the scepter – setting the stage for all which follows.

However, the incumbent ruler, Satan, brought about the first man’s fall; and this necessitated the appearance of the Second Man to provide redemption before fallen man could one day hold the scepter, as God originally intended. Satan, bringing about the first man’s fall, necessitating God’s redemption of fallen man, establishing the basis for the pattern which Scripture takes at this point – a book outlining God’s redemption of His fallen creation in order that man might one day realize the purpose for his existence [the Bible].

And, as God (following Satan’s fall) restored the ruin material creation over a six day period, He (following man’s fall) is presently restoring another ruined creation over the same length of time. Then, as God rested for a day following the prior restoration (Gen. 2:1-3), He will rest for a day following the present restoration [the first rest was 24 hrs., the coming rest will be 1000 yrs.](Heb. 4:4-9).
The pattern concerning how God restores a ruined creation was set at the very beginning, in the opening verses of Genesis. And man, a subsequent ruined creation, must be restored in exact conformity to the pattern. As this restoration pertains to “time” it will be over six days, over six thousand years (2 Pet. 3:8). And there will then be a day of rest which will last for one day, for one thousand years. This is the earth’s coming Sabbath, which every earthly Sabbath pointed to, and anticipated (Exo. 20:8-11; 31:13-17; Heb. 4:4-9).

The whole of Scripture, progressing through six days of redemptive work, moves towards that coming Sabbath rest. The skeletal structure was set perfect in the beginning, and the whole of Scripture beyond that point must rest on this structure. The whole of Scripture moves towards that coming Sabbath day when Christ and His co-heirs will take the scepter and rule the earth instead of Satan and his angels.

From whence though do Satan and his angels presently rule? It is clear from both Old and New Testament Scripture that they rule from a heavenly sphere over the earth. Satan and his angels have access to the earth (Gen. 6:2-4; Job 1:7; 2:2; 1 Pet. 5:8; Jude 6), but they do not rule on the earth.

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