Thursday, February 14, 2008


I know you have a desire for truth. The only way you are going to get truth is to ask the Lord and He promised He will give it to those that ask Him (Prov. 8:17; Jer. 29:13).
Let me tell you, the traditional Churches and Pastors don't understand these things; not altogether their fault. Don't get me wrong - It is not that I believe that I have arrived, I know more than anyone else, on the contrary; the more I study, the more I realize how little I know. But God has to open ones' eyes to see these things. It is a deliberate act of Satan to blind the eyes of people (2 Cor. 4:4). The woman who placed the leaven in the three measures of meal until the whole lump is leavened (Matt. 13:33). The Church is in a leavened state, and most of us are not even aware. What the Church is now doing brother, is almost the opposite of what God intended His Church to be and do. I know those are very strong statements, but you ask God to help you to look with your eyes and understand with your heart and He will grant you. Don't take it because I say so, look at the Scripture and see if you see it for yourself (Acts 17:11). It took me a long time before I saw many of these things, people are against me, criticizing me, calling me all sorts of names, but brother if I see it in the Word of God, I cannot "un-see" it. And by the way, it is for this reason why I haven't posted anything more on the website since Saturday. Other people are asking questions and I encourage you to go on the site and communicate so others will be helped by it. If I were responding to you on the site I wouldn't have to be going over and over again for the others, you all would see the questions and their answers.
Let me attempt to address the questions you have. I warn you that some of this will get out of the "box" in other words, it might not line up with tradition. But I have no problem with tradition as long as it lines up with Scripture, but if it doesn't, I through tradition out the window.
Your main question was is: Does God fault Adam with the decision to sin along with his wife, or did Adam really have a choice? And your understanding it seems is that Adam has lost out on the opportunity to have dominion forever. Praise God that is not true. In fact, it is Adam's action that has placed him back in a position to have dominion, that's why he did what he did.

That is the "faith" that Adam demonstrated. He believed what God had said; "let them have dominion" (Gen. 1:26, 28). Adam could not have "dominion" without Eve. Eve was a part of Adam from the beginning. [Christ cannot have dominion without His bride that is not yet qualified, remember we are in Him from before the foundation of the earth]. A part of Adam's body was now disqualified, he was no longer complete and if he was going to realize the purpose for his creation, he had to redeem his wife. The only way he could do that was to 'cleave' to his wife. See that God could not have made another woman that would suffice, Eve was "a part" of Adam's body and that could not have changed.
I must remind you that Adam is a type of Christ, and if you miss all the types in the Scripture, you can't miss this one because Christ is called the "Last Adam" (1 Cor. 15:45). {We can do a study on types later on}, but that's how the Bible is written and understood, the OT is filled with types, that is why Christ started at "Moses and the prophets" to teach the disciples about Himself(Luke 24:27); He was actually teaching using the "types" in the OT. Paul explained that in 1 Cor. 10:1-11.
Christ will one day rule and reign with His bride (that will be taken from His body), whom He came and found in a disqualified state. In spite of the odds against Him; He clave unto His bride. Adam clave unto his bride in partaking of the forbidden fruit, but Christ who knew no sin, became sin for us so we can have the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21).
If you refer to a previous study I posted on the site, a creation that God did perfectly, (because God cannot do anything in an imperfect manner), became ruined (cursed) because of Lucifer's action (Ezek. 28:14, 15); then the restored creation became ruined (cursed) because of what Adam did. But God provided redemption (in the slaying of the lamb for a covering). The Last Adam, Jesus Christ, became the Lamb that was slain (John 1:29).
I am going to try to explain something to you that will require some insight, so you might have to go over it again and again. The Gen. 3:17 question you asked is exactly what is seen in Matt. 27:46; Mk. 15:34, an expression of God’s displeasure. Adam had to have a substitute, but Christ was the (substitute) Lamb that was slain for the covering of His bride. See Christ unlike Adam, did not need to be covered, just the bride.

I know this is a lot and I don't want to give you too much at once, but just to finish this point. The same thing is seen in Samson who went and took a Gentile bride against the odds (against his parents wish), but they did not know that it was of the Lord (Judges 14:1-4). And you see most preachers would tell you that Samson was a "womanizer" and how God was displeased with him. Of course God turned His back on his actions, but Samson is a type of Christ and even end up in the Hall of the Faithful in Hebrews 11. Abraham again, in the same way believed God and went to offer his son, who is also a type of Christ (Gen. 22:1-14). Abraham offering Isaac to the natural man did not make sense, so Adam’s partaking of the forbidden fruit to the natural man does not make sense.
If I can now say, God did to the Last Adam, exactly what He did to the first, only with a deeper meaning you will understand. Christ was punished not for His own sin, but for the redemption of His bride.

1 comment:

Mobile Lew said...

That is the "faith" that Adam demonstrated. He believed what God had said; "let them have dominion" (Gen. 1:26, 28).

Brother are you saying that committing acts of sin is faith? Somehow when Adam ate of the tree that he was commanded not to eat he was being righteous?