Saturday, March 15, 2008



At the beginning of the Church age, the doctrine of the kingdom was the central message known and taught throughout Christendom. However, now at the end of the age, the message has been essentially forgotten.

Let’s look at what a few well known theologians had to say on the subject:

Donald Grey Barnhouse: “We can be sure that at the Judgment Seat of Christ there will be a mark difference between the Christian who has lived his life before the Lord, clearly discerning what was for the glory of God…or a nominal Christian…All will be in heaven, but the difference between them will be eternal. We may be sure that the consequences of our character will survive the grave and that we shall face those consequences at the Judgment Seat of Christ.”

Charles Stanley: “Does our behaviour matter once we are assured of our salvation? You bet it does. Are there any eternal consequences when a believer sins? Absolutely. Will eternity be the same for those who follow Christ faithfully and those who live for themselves? Not at chance. Our God is a God of justice as well as grace. His offer of grace is continually extended to even the most vile sinner. But His justice moves Him to keep a careful record of those who remain faithful and those who do not. His grace moved Him to sacrifice His only Son to provide a way for our salvation. But His justice causes Him to take special note of those believers who are all willing to sacrifice for His Son.

A. W. Tozer remarks in his book The Knowledge of the Holy, “To regain our lost power we, as the Church must see Heaven opened and have a transforming vision of God.”

Grant Jeffries in his book called Heaven says, “One of the reasons for the lack of holiness in Christianity today, is because we have lost sight of our inheritance in heaven.

John Walvoord: “The study of prophecy embraces the totality of God’s purpose and plan. It is, therefore, the supreme good of Biblical theology to determine the ordered and detailed program of future events prophesied in the Word of God.”

The Church today is basking in the illusion that ‘being born again’ is the ultimate goal of preaching the Gospel. But a thorough investigation of the ministry of Jesus and the apostles, clearly shows that regeneration, (new birth) is simply the prelude to the intimate relationship God desires to have with each one of us. But, it is a relationship that we each must seek…because there are consequences to a careless Christian life…”

The truth is, all Christians will ultimately be with the Lord, (…and so shall we ever be with the Lord 1Thess. 4:7b). But there’s a lot more to know, understand, and be a part of subsequent to being saved and before we 'be' with the Lord. There is a “gap” in most of our belief. It’s not all Christians that will be ‘overcomers’- only those who truly live the Christ-life here – and only ‘overcomers’ will inherit the kingdom and have the privilege to ascend the throne and rule as Christ’s co-heirs.

Only those believers who truly partake of, depend upon, and experience the overcoming power of Jesus Christ in their lives now, are the ones who will be allowed to reign with Christ in the coming kingdom. This implies the throne (Revelation 3:21), the scepter (Hebrews 1:8; Revelation 2:26-27), and the crown (2 Timothy 4:8). He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son (Rev. 21:7). Therefore, it is imperative that we learn what it is that makes us an overcomer; how do we become an overcomer and what does the future holds for overcomers. The word “overcometh” appears eleven times in the New Testament and in every appearance it is addressing the believer. The Churches in Revelation chapters two and three, are admonished to “overcome” it means then that ‘being saved’ does not make one an overcomer. You have to do something to become an overcomer subsequent to your being saved. 1 John 5:4, 5 is often used to teach that once you become a Christian you are an overcomer. A proper exegesis of that text will show the contrary. In this context, it’s those that “keeps His commandments”-those that obey God's Word are overcomers.

The idea that a Christian that fails to live a godly life here will loose his inheritance at the Judgment Seat of Christ is foreign to most believers, because that’s not preached in our Churches. But sad to say, that’s what the Bible teaches (Eph. 5:1-6). It is just not true to think that after careless living here as a Christian, we will go to be with Christ and rule and reign with Him. Let us live holy,its not only the right way, it is what God expects and we will fulfill the purpose for which we were created - to rule and reign (have dominion) with Christ (Gen. 1:26, 28).

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